Problem Statement:
How might we reduce the abrasiveness of lighting for the light sensitive and the everyday person in order to instill a state of calm and help with sleep, anxiety, migraines, and other negative afflictions.
Initial Sketches

Prototypes and Material Testing

Material List

Process Photos

Adjust-ability within lamp

We take for granted our access to electricity, turning on lights without giving it a second thought when we enter a room. It is something we use so much every single day, yet we do not think of how our lighting can affect us.
Many people who play sports end up receiving concussions. To recover, they spend long hours in dark rooms away from stimuli. Light can cause strain to their eyes, trigger migraine, anxiety, and irritability. These symptoms can last for months to years depending on the person.
In the U.S., Between 1.7 and 3 million people receive concussions annually from sports.
Similarly, head injuries of any sort can lead to light sensitivity.

End Product